Hello again. Happy Monday. Are you looking forward to your week? We are definitely looking forward to our nature journaling workshop this Saturday. We sure hope to see you there…
Until then, we’re here to provide a little inspiration for working some nature exploration into your week. We promise it’ll be fun!
The following activities have been inspired by all the beautiful green growth outside as well as a lovely book titled Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger. Whether you are 3 or 93 or somewhere in between, give them a try and have fun!
- Matching Green: Have you seen our color walk cards in the childrens’ area? Would you like to have your own? Head to your favorite paint supplier and collect some paint chips. Try to choose shades of green close to what you have seen in nature. Punch holes in them and attach to a key ring. Head outside and see how many of them you can match.
- Creating Green: Put some green paint on a paint pallet or paper plate along with some white and black paint. Try slowly adding some white or black to the green and paint that color onto some paper. Now add a little more and add it to your painting. Experiment further by adding yellow, blue, and purple. What do your shades of green look like now? By the time you are done you’ll have a lovely green color study that just might be fridge worthy.
- Journaling Green: Now that you’ve experimented with making different shades of green, take your nature journal and paint supplies or colored pencils outside. Stop at a few different plants, draw a quick sketch, maybe add a description, and try to match the color. You’ll have captured the freshness of spring in your journal. Maybe you can even visit the same plant in the summer and see if the color has changed any…