Legacy Giving

A gift to the Topsham Public Library can make a significant difference to the community. Using a planned giving vehicle, you can combine your estate planning with your financial and philanthropic objectives.

A legacy gift is a charitable contribution of any asset; current or deferred. Though bequests and wills are the most prominent sources of planned gifts, contributions of securities, real estate and life insurance benefit the library today and may provide you with tax deductions. Charitable gift annuities allow you to give cash or an asset in return for a life income. IRAs, 401k and other retirement plans may be designated to the library as well.

Declaring in your will that you would like to give all or a portion  of your assets can be written as simply as: “I bequeath (dollar amount or percentage) of my estate to the Topsham Public Library, a 501c3, non-profit organization, located at 25 Foreside Road, Topsham, ME 04086.”

Please contact Topsham Public Library Director, Katherine Webber for information or answers to questions you may have. We appreciate your considering Topsham Public Library in your philanthropic plans.

To ensure your estate is distributed in the manner desired by you and your heirs, we encourage you to discuss these matters with professional, legal, financial and tax counsel.

You can find policies established by our Board of Directors related to giving below:

Endowment Policy
Financial Policies
Gift Acceptance Policy