Meet Liz!

You may have noticed a new face at Topsham Public Library. Liz Snowden has been with us for a few months now and works at the circulation desk. Though she has only been with us such a little while, she comes with much experience as she also works at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine.

Liz is a Topsham native, growing up here and graduating from Mt. Ararat High School. After high school, she took her studies across the bridge where she attended Bowdoin College. She graduated with a double major in English and Visual Arts and a concentration in Creative Writing. One of the things that drew her to Bowdoin was the fact that they have a radio station. Her mom was a DJ when she was in college, and because of her fun stories, Liz wanted to do that, too, and she did. Liz hosted The 80s Hour with Liz for WBOR, so next time you participate in Trivia Night at your favorite local hang out, you might want Liz on your team to handle the music trivia questions.

When she is not working, Liz enjoys taking long walks, bookmaking, print making, and baking. She is a cat lover and has four cats herself. One of the pleasant surprises she has experienced since working here is the number of library patrons she sees out and about town. It’s just proof of how important Topsham Public Library is to the community.

Some fun facts about Liz: she’s a night owl, not an early bird, prefers Star Trek over Star Wars, favorite Starburst flavor is lemon, prefers mystery over fantasy, non-fiction over literature, and graphic novels over manga.

If  Liz was not a library aide, she would be a barista at some fun coffee shop making delicious beverages with the right blend of flavors to delight the palate. Interacting with the public is what she relishes and what draws her to positions such as library aide and coffeehouse barista.  If you haven’t met her yet, you will quickly see that her friendliness, knowledge, and willingness to help are wonderful assets that add to the atmosphere here at Topsham Public Library.