March - April, 2025
- March 28, 2025
Magic the Gathering (MtG) Board Game
Join teens 13+ for Arena of the Planeswalkers. This dice-chucking tactical combat game inspired by Magic: The Gathering card game, requires no MtG cards. Before your squad is summoned, you choose a good Planeswalker, one color of mana, and use setup your 12 spell cards before navigating the different MtG Multiverse planes. Your squad determines combat based on your dice throw. We’ll see who has the best “squad stats card.” And “yes,” there will be MtG vibes and mini figures of course!
Fancy Family Dance Party
Wear whatever makes you feel like dancing (costume, fancyoutfit, whatever!) and come have a dance party! Dance party is 30 minutes long,and is designed for families of all ages.
- March 29, 2025
Teen Saturdays
Join VolunTeens and Teen Advisory Board Members to assist with Teen Room projects.
Teens Snack & Craft: Scratch Poetry Event
with VolunTeen Helpers
March is poetry month, join TPL Saturday Crafters to learn how to make your own scratch tickets, just like the lottery ones, but with a sweet message or poetry underneath. Teatime snacks, tea, and hot chocolate will be provided along supplies. Grades 6-12.
Teen: Video Gaming
- March 31, 2025
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
- April 1, 2025
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
- April 2, 2025
Preschool Storytime
At preschool storytime, we sing songs and do action rhymes, read up to four stories, and play percussion instruments. Storytime is 30 - 45 minutes long and is designed for ages 3 and up.
The Topsham Sharing Table
FREE PRODUCE from local farms for anyone who needs it. Help yourself to what you need and leave the rest for others. Organized by the Merrymeeting Gleaners, a project of the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program. First come, first served, while supplies last.
- April 3, 2025
CANCELLED: Music & Rhyme Time
At each Music & Rhyme Time we sing songs, dance and play instruments to a guitar accompaniment, participate in action rhymes, and read one short story. Each lively and fun session lasts about 20-40 minutes and is designed for two-year-olds and their grownup!
Baby & Me gives your child the opportunity to hear lots of language while you spend time bonding together! Program lasts about 15-20 minutes, and is designed for babies ages birth up to 23 months.
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Friends of the Topsham Public Library Meeting
Started in 1998, The Friends of the Topsham Public Library is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to supporting the Topsham Public Library. The Friends value the Topsham Public Library as a cultural, educational and recreational center and contribute time, effort, and resources to further develop the library’s potential as a dynamic force in our community. The Friends augment the library budget through fundraising to finance virtually all library programs and events. Annual membership, donations, and patronage of the annual book sale strengthens the Topsham Public Library and ensures the continued growth of Library services. All meetings are open to the public. New members are always welcome.
- April 4, 2025
Coffee Klatsch with Katherine
Join our director for a cup of joe on the first Friday of every month in our Crooker Gallery space. There is no set topic or subject, just general conversation over a warm beverage. Connect with fellow community members and socialize in a relaxed atmosphere.
Free coffee and tea provided!
VA S.A.V.E. Training
VA S.A.V.E. Training is a free, course that will help you act with care and compassion if you come across a Veteran who is in crisis or having thoughts of suicide. All are welcome to attend.
- April 5, 2025
Teen Saturdays
Join VolunTeens and Teen Advisory Board Members to assist with Teen Room projects.
Joy of the Lens Reception
Join us for this celebration of our photographers, as we announce the winners in each category: Color, Black & White, and this year’s challenge theme, “Triumph". Refreshments will be served.
Coinciding with the Joy of the Lens is the Friends' Photo Lottery. Current Friends members, as well as anyone who joins the Friends by 5 p.m. on April 25, will be entered into the Friends’ Photo Lottery for a chance to win Lilac Breasted Rollover Takeoff by Linda Cullivan.
- April 7, 2025
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Poetry Reading: Sarah V. Schweig
Sarah V. Schweig is the author of the chapbook S. Her second book, The Ocean in the Next Room, won the Jake Adam York Prize. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Black WarriorReview, BOMB, Boston Review, HTML Giant, the Iowa Review, Tin House, VerseDaily, the Volta, West Branch, the Winter Anthology, and elsewhere.
TPL Top Teen Advisory Board
Help Lindsey, the Teen Services Librarian, with collection development, Displays, Clubs, Programming, Make & Takes, and more. Snacks will be provided. First Monday of the month. Also, drop in times are an option if you can’t make the date. Arrange a time that works for you with Lindsey
Teen Manga Chat
Bring your current manga read to share with the group and create a manga inspired craft. What we're making will be announced. This group will meet on the first Monday of the month , grades 6-12 (middle/high schoolers). All snacks and crafting supplies will be provided.
Poetry Reading with Owen Lewis
Join John Gillespie in celebrating Poetry Month. Owen Lewis will share his works with us.
Owen Lewis is the author of three collections of poetry, Marriage Map, Sometimes Full of Daylight, and Field Light, and three chapbooks. best man was the recipient of the 2016 Jean Pedrick Chapbook Prize of the New England Poetry Club. Field Light was a “Must Read” selection of the Massachusetts Books Awards. Major prizes include: The E.E. Cummings Prize (2024), The Rumi Prize for Poetry/Arts & Letters (2023), The Guernsey International Poetry Prize (2023), and The International Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine (2016). Other prizes include: Second Prize 2018 Wigtown (Scotland) International Poetry Competition and Finalist, 2017 Pablo Neruda Award. His poetry has appeared in Nimrod, Poetry Wales, The Mississippi Review, Southward, The Four Way Review, Cider Press Review, and Arts and Letters. He is a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University in the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics and lectures extensively on topics of Narrative Medicine.
- April 8, 2025
Poetry Lunch and Learn
Join John Gillespie in celebrating Poetry Month. Various Maine poets will read and discuss their works. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. This week's poets are Jefferson Navicky and Kristin Case.
Jefferson Navicky was born in Chicago and grew up in Southeastern Ohio. He earned his M.F.A. from the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodies Poetics at Naropa University. He is the author of four books, most recently Head of Island Beautification for the Rural Outlands (2023), a Finalist for the 2023 Big Other Book Award for Fiction. Antique Densities: Modern Parables & Other Experiments in Short Prose (2021) won the 2022 Maine Literary Award for Poetry. Jefferson’s work has received several acknowledgments and awards, including an American Rescue Plan/Maine Project Grant, a Maine Arts Commission grant, and three Maine Literary Awards. His plays have been produced throughout New England. Jefferson is proud to be a member of Maine’s literary arts community and is active in several volunteer boards, committees, and community projects. He is the archivist for the Maine Women Writers Collection.
Kristen is the author of three poetry collections: Little Arias (New Issues, 2015), Principles of Economics (Switchback Books, 2018), and Daphne (Tupelo Press, 2025). She is the recipient of a Macdowell fellowship and a two-time winner of the Maine literary award in poetry. Her work has also appeared in a variety of journals and anthologies, including Pleiades, The St. Ann’s Review, Brooklyn Review, Chelsea, The Iowa Review, Wave Composition, Eleven Eleven, Tinderbox, Wildness, Rust + Moth, BOAAT, The Portland Press Herald, Harvard Review, Matchbook Magazine, Tupelo Quarterly. ResistMuch, Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance, Café Review, How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope, Maine Review, Carolina Quarterly, and Beloit Poetry Journal. She has published essays at LitHub, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and with Essay Press.
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Young Critics GROUP 1
Young Critics is an ongoing bookdiscussion group for kids in grades 4 and 5. We meet every month from Octoberto May at the library for great books, great conversation and a pizza dinner! Must be registered to attend!
Pollinator Park Presentation
Join Bowdoin Professor Patty Jones and Bowdoin Senior Issie Gale as they discuss the newly planted Pollinator Park at the Topsham Solid Waste Facility and the importance of landscaping for pollinators with native plants. This talk is co-sponsored by the Topsham Conservation Commission.
- April 9, 2025
Preschool Storytime
At preschool storytime, we sing songs and do action rhymes, read up to four stories, and play percussion instruments. Storytime is 30 - 45 minutes long and is designed for ages 3 and up.
The Topsham Sharing Table
FREE PRODUCE from local farms for anyone who needs it. Help yourself to what you need and leave the rest for others. Organized by the Merrymeeting Gleaners, a project of the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program. First come, first served, while supplies last.
Topsham Garden Club: Using Natives as a Buffer Zone for Water
Program TBD. Bring a sandwich for the social time after the program. Forprogram details check the Topsham Garden Club website at Dessert & beverages provided by the club.
Topsham History Discussion Group
Do you want to learn more about the history of your community and our part of Maine? All are welcome to join this discussion group and explore the background of Topsham. Participants are invited to bring questions, observations, and curiosity for group sharing with Dana Cary. Meetings are on the second Wednesday of every month.
- April 10, 2025
Music & Rhyme Time
At each Music & Rhyme Time we sing songs, dance and play instruments to a guitar accompaniment, participate in action rhymes, and read one short story. Each lively and fun session lasts about 20-40 minutes and is designed for two-year-olds and their grownup!
Baby & Me
Baby & Me gives your child the opportunity to hear lots of language while you spend time bonding together! Program lasts about 15-20 minutes, and is designed for babies ages birth up to 23 months.
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Tween Reads
Do you like to read books? Do you like to eat pizza? Join Tween Reads! Tween Reads is a book discussion group for grades 6-8. We supply the books and the pizza, you bring your opinions! Tween Reads is held on the second Thursday of the month at 5 pm from October through May. Must be registered to attend.
- April 11, 2025
Teen Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Still reeling from the lossof Gamora, Peter Quill must rally his team to defend the universe and protectone of their own. If the mission is not completely successful, it couldpossibly lead to the end of the Guardians as we know them. RatedPG 13. Popcorn will be served.
- April 12, 2025
Teen Saturdays
Join VolunTeens and Teen Advisory Board Members to assist with Teen Room projects.
Great Books Discussion
Great Books meets once a month on the second Saturday. We are ALWAYS looking for new members! For more information email
Dr. Dwayne Tomah: The Doctrine of Discovery from the Indigenous Perspective
Dr. Tomah will give a talk on the doctrine that legitimized the colonization of indigenous lands and its profound effect on native peoples, from the perspective of those who have suffered under it. He is a language keeper, director and curator of the Sipayik Museum, and teacher of the Passamaquoddy language and culture.
About the author:
A language keeper, Tomah is the director and curator of the Sipayik Museum. A teacher of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, he has served on the tribal council. In 2024 he received an honorary doctorate degree from Colby College.
Dwayne Tomah is currently working with the Library of Congress on translating the Passamaquoddy wax cylinders. They are the first recordings in the world of Native languages and were recorded in 1890 by Jesse Fewkes, who borrowed the device from inventor Thomas Edison. Tomah has also been involved in repatriation and the Land Back movement to share historical truth regarding the Doctrine of Discovery from the Indigenous perspective.
Cohosted by Forest Circles and Topsham Public Library. For more information, contact Regina Strongheart
- April 14, 2025
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Poetry Open Mic Night at Social Goose
This event DOES NOT take place at the library..
It will be at:
Social Goose, 94 Maine Street, Brunswick, ME
For more information, contact John Gillespie at
- April 15, 2025
Poetry Lunch and Learn
Join John Gillespie in celebrating Poetry Month. Each Tuesday, various Maine poets will read and discuss their works. Bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea provided. This week's poets are Meg Weston of The Poet's corner, and Maggie Haberman.
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Young Critics GROUP 2
Young Critics is an ongoing bookdiscussion group for kids in grades 4 and 5. We meet every month from Octoberto May at the library for great books, great conversation and a pizza dinner! Must be registered to attend!
- April 16, 2025
Preschool Storytime
At preschool storytime, we sing songs and do action rhymes, read up to four stories, and play percussion instruments. Storytime is 30 - 45 minutes long and is designed for ages 3 and up.
The Topsham Sharing Table
FREE PRODUCE from local farms for anyone who needs it. Help yourself to what you need and leave the rest for others. Organized by the Merrymeeting Gleaners, a project of the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program. First come, first served, while supplies last.
For the Love of Books Book Club
Join Lindsey, the Teen Librarian for the latest romance book club. Make new friends, enjoy pizza, soda and a scrumptious dessert all while chatting about relationships. Sign up required for new additions, please call TPL (725 - 1727) to add your name to the group. This month's book is The Boy Who Steals Hearts by Emily Lowry #2 in the Hallisburg Prep Series
Trustees Meeting
All Trustees meetings are open to the public.
- April 17, 2025
Music & Rhyme Time
At each Music & Rhyme Time we sing songs, dance and play instruments to a guitar accompaniment, participate in action rhymes, and read one short story. Each lively and fun session lasts about 20-40 minutes and is designed for two-year-olds and their grownup!
Baby & Me
Baby & Me gives your child the opportunity to hear lots of language while you spend time bonding together! Program lasts about 15-20 minutes, and is designed for babies ages birth up to 23 months.
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Poetry Reading : Kate Kearns
Kate Kearns is the author of You Are Ruining My Loneliness (Littoral Books, 2023), and a chapbook called How to Love an Introvert (Finishing Line Press, 2015). Her work has appeared in Maine Women Magazine, the Maine Sunday Telegram “Deep Waters” section, and on Maine Public Radio’s “Poems from Here”. Her poems have also been published in Salamander, Peregrine, Northern New England Review, Sugar House Review and elsewhere. Kate was a finalist for the 2024 Charles Simic Poetry Prize and the 2024 Maine Postmark Poetry Contest. She earned her MFA from Lesley University and BA from Sarah Lawrence College.
Rare Reads Book Discussion
Rare Reads book group meets every third Thursday at 6pm. This month's book is Beforethe Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. If you would like to join, please email
- April 18, 2025
Kids Art Club
We will try out different techniques and projects, and explore our creativity! For ages 7-12. Sign up required on a monthly basis.
Community Movie: The Flash
Barry Allen, the Flash, uses his super speed to change the past,but his attempt to save his family creates a world without super heroes,forcing him to race for his life in order to save the future. Rated PG-13. Popcorn will be served.
- April 19, 2025
Teen Saturdays
Join VolunTeens and Teen Advisory Board Members to assist with Teen Room projects.
Stitching Together
Join this knitting and crocheting group that meets monthly. Come and work on your latest project, share patterns, check out the library's knitting and crocheting resources. All abilities welcome!
Movie Matinee: Mufasa
Mufasa: The Lion King (PG)
Mufasa, a cub lost and alone, meets a sympathetic lion named Taka, the heir to a royal bloodline. The chance meeting sets in motion an expansive journey of a group of misfits searching for their destiny. Rated PG.
- April 21, 2025
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Monday Matinee: Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Sonic, Knuckles and Tailsreunite to battle Shadow, a mysterious new enemy with powers unlike anythingthey've faced before. With their abilities outmatched in every way, they seekout an unlikely alliance to stop Shadow and protect the planet. Rated PG. Bringpillows and blankets for extra coziness! Popcorn will be served.
Earth Day Cookie Decorating
Show your love for the Earth by decorating a cookie. VolunTeens have put together cookie kits to decorate for Earth Day. The enormous heart cookies will be decorated with an earth and a heart. Must Sign up at the front desk or call 725-1727. The first twenty people to fill the spots are in. All ages welcome.
- April 22, 2025
Drop-In Activities
Various activities willbe set up in the children’s section – activities may include art projects,sensory activities, experiments, building activities, and more! Designed for ages 7 and up, but open to everyone with adult supervision.
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Movie: Moana 2
After receiving an unexpected callfrom her wayfinding ancestors, Moana must journey to the far seas of Oceaniaand into dangerous, long-lost waters for an adventure unlike anything she'sever faced. Running Time: 1 hour 40 minutes. Rated PG for action/peril. Recommendedages 6 and up, but all are welcome. Bring pillows and blankets for extracoziness! Popcorn will be served.
Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust: CREA Speaker Series
Voices from the Androscoggin: The Pejepscot Falls and Humanity's Changing Relationship to Nature
Waterfalls such as the Androscoggin River's Pejepscot Falls sit at the physical center of Maine communities for a reason. These churning waters have attracted humans for thousands of years to the resources that could be gleaned from the energy found within them. This energy took different forms, and people employed nets, canoes, and dams to secure survival in Maine's challenging environment. Join us for this talk by environmental historian Zach Bennett, Department of History at Norwich University, as we explore stories from the Androscoggin. By tracing the different ways Wabanakis, colonists, industrialists, and 21st century environmentalists have used the Androscoggin's waters, this presentation will show how decisions made at Pejepscot drove wider environmental change and provide an important perspective on humanity's present and future relationship to the natural world.
Thank you to Bath Savings Trust for sponsoring this speaker series!
- April 23, 2025
Preschool Storytime
At preschool storytime, we sing songs and do action rhymes, read up to four stories, and play percussion instruments. Storytime is 30 - 45 minutes long and is designed for ages 3 and up.
The Topsham Sharing Table
FREE PRODUCE from local farms for anyone who needs it. Help yourself to what you need and leave the rest for others. Organized by the Merrymeeting Gleaners, a project of the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program. First come, first served, while supplies last.
Drop-In Activities
Various activities willbe set up in the children’s section – activities may include art projects,sensory activities, experiments, building activities, and more! Designed for ages 7 and up, but open to everyone with adult supervision.
Justice League Crafters
Join patrons stitching for good. TPL teens and adults are knitting orange neckwarmers for Midcoast Humane Society’s adoptable dogs. The idea is to make them visible and keep them warm. If you’re not a knitter or crocheter or interested in learning, feel free to bring a cozy craft to work on and TPL will have some crafting options available too.
Lego Club
Build something to fit our theme, or create your own ideas!
- April 24, 2025
Music & Rhyme Time
At each Music & Rhyme Time we sing songs, dance and play instruments to a guitar accompaniment, participate in action rhymes, and read one short story. Each lively and fun session lasts about 20-40 minutes and is designed for two-year-olds and their grownup!
Baby & Me
Baby & Me gives your child the opportunity to hear lots of language while you spend time bonding together! Program lasts about 15-20 minutes, and is designed for babies ages birth up to 23 months.
Tech Help
Need help setting up email or cloudLibrary? How about printing from your laptop? Do you know how to download apps? Dale will be available to help you navigate your devices.
Drop-In Activities
Various activities willbe set up in the children’s section – activities may include art projects,sensory activities, experiments, building activities, and more! Designed for ages 7 and up, but open to everyone with adult supervision.
Poetry Reading: Mike Bove and Samaa Abdurriquib
Mike Bove is the author of four books of poetry: Soundtrack to Your Next Panic Attack (Aldrich Press, 2024), EYE (Spuyten Duyvil, 2023), House Museum (Moon Pie Press, 2021), and Big Little City (Moon Pie Press, 2018). His work has appeared in the U.S., U.K., and Canada in publications including Rattle, Chestnut Review, Tar River Poetry, Rust & Moth, and the anthologies Wait: Poems From The Pandemic and Writing The Land. In 2021, he was winner of the Maine Postmark Poetry Contest and a finalist for a Maine Literary Award in 2023. In 2024, he served as writer-in-residence at Acadia National Park. He is Editor of Hole in the Head Review, a biannual poetry journal.
Samaa Abdurraqib, PhD lives in Wabanaki territory, close to the ocean and the mountains. Recently, her poetry can be found in Enough! Poems of Resistance and Protest, Bigger Than Bravery: Black Resilience and Reclamation in a Time of Pandemic, Cider Press Review, Writing the Land: Maine, and in her self-published chapbook Each Day Is Like an Anchor (2020). Lis McLoughlin, PhD is founder and director of NatureCulture LLC, and the Writing the Land project. She publishes the Writing the Land anthologies and other books, and produces events such as the online Authors and Artists Festival. Shanta Lee is an award winning writer across genres, journalist, visual artist and public intellectual actively participating in the cultural discourse with work that has been widely featured. Shanta Lee is the author of poetry collections poetry collection, GHETTOCLAUSTROPHOBIA: Dreamin of Mama While Trying to Speak Woman in Woke Tongues (Diode Editions, 2021) her latest illustrated poetry collection, Black Metamorphoses (Etruscan Press, 2023). Her latest work, Dark Goddess: An Exploration of the Sacred Feminine, is on view at the University of Vermont's Fleming Museum of Art.To learn more about her work, visit:
- April 25, 2025
Come see some BIG vehicles upclose! All ages are welcome; event will take place rain or shine. Our parking lot will be full of BIG vehicles,so please park at the rec field (30 Foreside Road)!
Model Train Event
The Maine 3 Railers O-Gauge ModelRailroad Club will be setting up a running model railroad display in our bigmeeting room! Come watch the trains and see how they work, and talk to clubmembers!
- April 26, 2025
Teen Saturdays
Join VolunTeens and Teen Advisory Board Members to assist with Teen Room projects.
Saturday Matinee: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
A charming thief and a bandof unlikely adventurers embark on an epic quest to retrieve a long lost relic,but their adventure goes dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrongpeople. Rated PG-13. Popcorn will be served.