Here is a quick look back at the many happenings in 2015 at your Topsham Public Library!

Connie Bailey was the first recipient of the new Whitten Society Award.

Never mind Star Wars. The Teen Room hosted Chocolate Wars!

A smashing time was had at Steam Punk Stem Day!

We hosted our first, and won’t be our last, adult coloring night!

As always, the summer reading program was a hit!

We welcomed two new staff members – Sharon and Dave!

The Poetry Festival had a diverse and gifted group of poets!

And we all LOVE Big Truck Day!
Plus, we now have two telescopes available for circulation, Joy of the Pen saw a growth in application numbers, a bookmark making class was held through a collaboration with Maine Fiber Arts and we now have a volunteer helping people with genealogy searches!
This is only a smattering of what Topsham Public Library has to offer. For a more in depth look at what happened in 2015 pick up the Annual Report at the circulation desk or view it here. And make sure you check us out in 2016!