Summer Reading Lists 2017

Are you beginning to wonder if the sun still exists or if summer will ever arrive? I am. But don’t despair! Whether the days are dreary or the sun finally appears, there are book challenges and book suggestions to get us through our darkest days.

The following link is for the Read Harder Challenge. The Rare Reads Book Discussion group that meets here at Topsham Public Library is challenging themselves, and you can get in on the action.


PBS Newshour published a list of page turners which you can find here:


No summer reading list would be complete without The New York Times. This is a list of suggestions from authors who own bookstores (click here). Maybe on your travels you could stop in at one or two of these bookstores.


And we will keep our hopes alive that summer days on the beach will happen with the following list from Travel and Leisure:


If none of those work, stop by Topsham Public Library and we can help you. You won’t leave without a book.