Photo courtesy of Topsham resident Doug Griffin.

Well, we survived. Honestly, I didn’t see it coming. I know the meteorologists were warning about the high winds, but I thought I was ready and unconsciously I thought, “Meh, how bad can it be?” Well, I was surprised, shocked almost, by the damage and power outage. I live in a part of Topsham that rarely loses power. We lost it early Monday morning, but we had it back by that afternoon. I didn’t realize how extensive the power outage was until my son’s friends came over and they were discussing the damages in their own neighborhoods and towns.
What impressed me, though, was the way the community looked out for one another. Neighbors were looking out for neighbors and people were offering their homes, showers, washers, and dryers to their neighbors and friends. The Town of Topsham got the word out about water stations and warming stations; American Legion Post 202 provided free meals after 3pm; Mt. Ararat High School opened as a warming station and the Mt. Ararat Sports Boosters offered free hot dogs and drinks.
Topsham Public Library had power through it all, and it was bustling with people coming in to get warm, work, charge their electronics, and get a free coffee or tea (Thanks you so much to Wicked Joe for providing the coffee). We were packed, and parking was tight, but the spirit was one of encouragement and helpfulness as neighbors and strangers alike gathered here in those difficult days.
This is just a sampling of how the community reached out to help, I’m sure I am missing other community members and businesses who helped out and contributed in the time of need.
As Thanksgiving draws close, and we think about what we are thankful for, I know we are truly thankful for our community. You are the best!