1. Movie: Catching Fire 2. Book: The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers 3. Movie: Star Trek Into Darkness 4. CD: Rise by Skillet 5. Book: Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage
Posts Tagged: books
What are TPL Staff Reading?
Stuck for something to read? Check out what the TPL staff are reading on our pinterest board: http://www.pinterest.com/topshampl/what-tpl-staff-are-reading/
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Patron Reviews
Playful Learning: Develop Your Child’s Sense of Joy and Wonder by Mariah Bruehl Review by Monique Marchilli-Barker Mariah Bruehl is a parent with over a decade of experience in the field of education. After making the decision to leave her job and stay home, she set out to supplement her daughter’s education by providing meaningful… Read more »
A Banned Book I Read Recently by Helen
A recently re-read To Kill at Mockingbird as I really like the film adaptation and it had been years since I read the book. This book is often challenged with reasons cited as “offensive language” and “racism”. However, I think it is a true reflection of life at the time and its themes and events… Read more »
Banned Books in the News by Bernardo
I was surprised to “hear” that Invisible Man was banned because it had “…no literary value.” The article in the Christian Science monitor attributes that view to only one member of the Randolph County school board in North Carolina, who actually says that he himself did not find literary value in that book. It brings… Read more »
My Favorite Book is a Banned Book by Julie
To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book and it has been banned many times in many places. Atticus Finch has the kind of integrity and character that I strive to imitate. Had I not read this book when I was younger, I would not try to be a better human being than I… Read more »
The value of banned and challenged books by Cyndi
When reading the top ten most challenged books of 2012, I was surprised to see Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants series in the top slot. My next thought was “Why I am surprised, the series is called Captain Underpants, of course it is going to offend?!” It is obvious to me that Dav Pilkey remembers not… Read more »
Banned Books Week is here!
All this week we will be celebrating Banned Books week here at the library. There will be a special display at the library, a dedicated pinterest board (join us here) and TPL staff will share some of their favorite banned books here on the blog. Do you have a favorite banned or challenged book? Let… Read more »
Patron Review: Exile (Garnethill Trilogy) by Denise Mina
Definitely NOT a Cozy! By Beverly A. Martin I am hooked on Denise Mina’s writing. This, the second novel in her Garnethill trilogy, is meant to drag you, shake you, expose you, cause you thrills and anguish. Along with her Scottish wit which pokes itself through the muck and mire to greatly relieve you. This… Read more »