
Series Premier: 60 Checkouts

The following is the next installment of a series in which I interview staff members of Topsham Public Library

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“The Fifth Annual Poetry Festival Saturday, April 30”

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“Lawyers in Libraries, May 6”

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“Sharon Ross, Development Coordinator of Topsham Public Library

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TPL Board 2013-14-14


“I’m Susan Preece.”





“I’m Emma Gibbon.”





“I’m Julie McDuff.”




“And I’m Jennifer Balser. Those stories and more tonight on 60 Checkouts.”


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On Saturday, April 30 at 1pm Topsham Public Library is hosting their fifth Poetry Festival. Guests this year include a former Poet Laureate of Portland, Marcia Brown, a Joy of the Pen Winner, Robert Breen, and  Joy of the Pen honorable mention, Helene McGlauflin. For the past five years now, Topsham Public Library has attempted to make poetry more mainstream and one must wonder what sinister powers are behind such endeavors. Isn’t poetry best kept in the confines of the high school classroom? Should such art be thrust upon the general public? The editorial staff at 60 Checkouts challenges you to attend the Poetry Festival and decide for yourself what role poetry should have in our community.

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Topsham Public Library has been striving to be a community center that is relevant to the patrons it serves. As such, they are participating in the Lawyers in Libraries program. On May 6, 12noon-2pm, a lawyer will be present at Topsham Public Library to meet and speak with members of the public about issues of access to courts and justice in the 21st Century. The lawyer will also provide general guidance and information on referral to legal resources to individual attendees. Rebecca Brochu of Shankman & Associates, Topsham will be available for 10-15 minute private consultations.

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You may not even know she’s there; everything she does is performed with the stealth of a lion hunting a poor unsuspecting zebra. She sits quiet in her corner of the office, working diligently on some project to advance the goals of Topsham Public Library, but don’t be fooled, there is much more to Sharon Ross than meets the eye.

Sharon is originally from California, which automatically makes her suspect. When asked which she prefers, she was very coy in her answer. She likes California for its winters, and she notes that California’s economy is better, but Maine has its benefits as well. Though winter is nicer in California, she prefers Maine’s weather spring through fall, and she thoroughly enjoys the culture in southern Maine.

Presently, Sharon Ross is Development Coordinator for Topsham Public Library and teaches Literature and English Composition and Interpersonal Communications at Southern Maine Community College and Central Maine Community College, but she started in newspapers. At one time, Sharon sold ads, designed ads and over time became the Associate Editor of The Mountain News, a weekly paper. She was picked up by the daily San Bernardino Sun as a page designer and eventual Community Editor. (Suddenly I am nervous about my grammar, or lack of, and poor use of commas – commas are my downfall.)

These positions all have something in common: the ability to analyze. This ability is a definite asset in the work world, but what does that ability look like in the personal world? Well, imagine Sharon coming home with a new dvd she checked out from Topsham Public Library. She greets her family, “Look what I have! Do you want to watch a movie tonight?” Her family shoots furtive looks at each other, and suddenly they are checking the calendars on their phones. You see, when one watches a movie with Sharon, one needs to be prepared to analyze the minutest details of the movie; with Sharon, you don’t ever just watch a movie.

Not only a lover of books, personally, but also as a teacher of literature, I was eager to get to talking books. Sharon’s first favorite book is James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. I mentioned that Mrs. Weeks, the librarian when I attended Williams-Cone Elementary ages ago, read that very book to us, and she, too, had a teacher read that book to her. Her favorite short story (short story is her favorite genre) to teach is The Beast, Watered  from the collection Under the Light by Sam Michel.

Sharon is the first person I have ever met who said there was a time she liked a movie better than the book! The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was a better movie than book. Sharon found the book was not funny and lacked a narrative arc. She prefers Jane Austen over the Bronte sisters, and she does prefer fiction over non-fiction.

Sharon’s favorite TV series is Doc Martin, a lot to analyze there, and Velvet Galerias. Not having heard of Velvet Galerias, she explained she watches it on Netflix and it’s from Spain (yes, subtitles) set in the 1950s in the fashion industry. Sharon’s mother was a seamstress and Sharon thinks that’s part of the draw to this series.

Sharon would rather go out than stay in, would rather ski than snowboard, and would do laundry over washing dishes. And who would Sharon have to dinner if she could invite any eight people? She would invite friends from the various stages of her life: early childhood, old high school friends, California friends, and Maine friends. Sharon prefers Streisand over Adele, the Beatles over One Direction, and Chrissie Hynde over Springsteen or Mellencamp.

Whatever tunes she might be humming, rest assured, the lyrics have been analyzed.

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School Vacation Week Activities and Events – April Edition

It’s school vacation week and Topsham Public Library has some great events lined up for you!

On Thursday, April 21 from 1-3pm our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) event is taking place. Tables will be set up with various activities. This event is open to all ages. If you need more information call us at 725-1727 or email Mariah at

bigtruckday15Friday, April 22 from 10am-12pm, one of Topsham Public Library’s signature events, BIG TRUCK DAY RETURNS! This event is, I daresay, the most popular event of the year. Hundreds turn out to see some BIG vehicles up close! All ages are welcome and it will take place rain or shine. Our parking lot will be full of BIG vehicles, so please park at the Topsham Recreation Field and walk down.

To wrap it up, on Saturday, April 24 from 1-3pm you can come build with our extensive Lego collection. Regular Legos are open to children ages 7-13 and large Duplo blocks will be available in the children’s area for younger children.

Our normal programming will be taking place as well, so whether you come for one of our special events or to participate in a regularly scheduled program, I hope to see you at Topsham Public Library this week!

April is National Poetry Month









Not a favorite subject in schools,

students might roll the eyes and argue strong,

but Angelou and Frost are tools,

that give to us life with a song.


Writing a poem is not easy,

nor are they always meant to be cheesy,

unless its a limerick you look for.

Poems, to another world, can be a door.


We start off with Prelutsky and Seuss,

and then delve into Silverstein and Dahl.

In youth, we might think of them there is no use

as Shakespeare or e.e.cummings we read in study hall.


Then, we happen upon Topsham Public Library

nestled in a quiet corner of town,

and our hearts expand and will tarry

when, poets read and, with their magic, get down.


So, on April 30, 2016 at 1p.m.

join us as we hold our Fifth Annual Poetry Festival.

I promise, none of my poetry that day will be heard.





Have your Forest and Eat it too!

Volunteers and Master Gardeners Dana Cary and Dave Reed spread woodchips over one of the forest garden sites.

Volunteers and Master Gardeners Dana Cary and Dave Reed spread woodchips over one of the forest garden sites.

Have you noticed two small clearings in the woodland edge out behind the library?  Last fall & summer, did you see folks chopping up branches, laying out cardboard, and raking out piles of woodchips?  If you did, you were witnessing the beginnings of a food forest.

Food forests, also known as edible forest gardens are just what they sound like: gardens that look like forests, but that are designed to provide more of things people need, such as food, fuel, fiber and medicine.

Here in New England, our native forests are extremely productive in terms of supporting wildlife, helping to clean our air & water, and providing wood for heating and construction, yet no one needs to water them, fertilize them, or weed them.  Most forests also lock up enormous amounts of carbon in the soil.  If this soil stays relatively undisturbed by clearcutting or tilling, the carbon may remain locked up indefinitely.  In fact, many scientists believe that changing agricultural practices to limit soil disturbance may be the single best tool currently at hand to fight global warming.

Work in progress: notice logs in the back left - those will be covered along with everything else. They will provide, organic matter, increase water holding capacity, and kick-start healthy biological activity.

Work in progress: notice logs in the back left – those will be covered along with everything else. They will provide, organic matter, increase water holding capacity, and kick-start healthy biological activity.

What if we could create a landscape that mimics the structure of the natural forest, with a high canopy, mid-level layer, shrub layer and ground cover layer, but substitute in plants that are even more useful to people?  What if this landscape could be similarly low maintenance and similarly good at providing “ecosystem” benefits such as wildlife habitat, clean air & water?  This is the goal of the edible forest garden.

Growing food in this way has been identified as a possible significant factor in addressing world hunger.  Forests are far more resilient to climate change, pests, droughts & diseases than typical one-species agricultural crops.  See, for example, a recent study by the Global Network for Forest Science:

In 2015, the Topsham Public Library received a Norm Steel Memorial Seed grant from the Maine Master Gardener’s Association for the purpose of starting a food forest garden.  During the 2015 growing season, a dedicated group of volunteers identified two already disturbed sites along the woodland edge behind the library to start the garden.  The first site had been used as a compost/utility area, and the second was infested by a massive tangle of invasive oriental bittersweet.

Both areas were cleaned up, all available organic material was spread around (e.g., brush, decaying logs, sod leftover from creating new pathways, leaves, and compost), the plots were covered with cardboard to suppress weeds, and finally topped with a heavy layer of straw & wood chips, the latter generously donated by WellTree.

One of many garden signs, a joint effort of volunteer Joan McDuff, her husband, and library director Susan Preece.

One of many garden signs, a joint effort of volunteer Joan McDuff, her husband, and library director Susan Preece.

Over the winter our group has planned an initial phase of plantings.  We chose a mix of edible plants, plants that support wildlife, and plants that fill different roles in the ecosystem, such as building soil, providing shade, improving fertility, repelling pests or attracting pollinators.  Most attractive were the plants that do more than one of these things at the same time.  Native groundnut, for example, provides an edible tuber, suppresses weeds on the forest floor, and helps add fertility to the soil.

Our plant list includes ramps, cherry dogwood, serviceberry, chokeberry, wild ginger, edible ferns, hazelnuts, rhubarb, elderberry, groundnut and blueberry, among others.

Volunteer planting session at the edible forest garden: Friday, April 8 at 9am.  This is our first round of planting in areas that were prepped last year.  Please contact Sarah Wolpow at or 721-0941 if you are interested in helping.

Writer’s Block

typewriterI have writer’s block. Usually, after I finish one blog post, I begin brain storming for the next. It only takes a day or two, well, sometimes three, to come up with an idea. If I need to do any research, and I use the term ‘research’ lightly, I get that done. Then I sit down Tuesday morning and bang it out.

That is not how it has gone this week. Last Tuesday, I submitted my blog post and then nothing. Nothing on Wednesday. That was fine though. Nothing on Thursday. That bothered me a little, but still nothing to worry about. Something would present itself, or perhaps I would wake up Friday morning with ideas that were revealed to me in the night. Friday arrived and nothing. Now maybe I should panic. Saturday was spent watching my son play basketball and all thoughts of the blog were pushed to the dark recesses of my mind. Sunday, the pressure tried to seep out, but I refused to acknowledge it as I had a delicious ham to eat, because we all know that if you ignore a problem it will go away. But then Monday came, and it was time to get into gear. Nothing. I made a pan of brownies.

I like to let an idea simmer in my mind; it grows and changes and morphs into something better than when I first thought of it. But I had no idea to grow and morph. Even if I thought of something so late in the game, it would just be a caterpillar, not a butterfly. Nothing against caterpillars, but I am more partial to butterflies.

So, it’s Tuesday. I’ve got nothing except an empty brownie pan. I thought it might be fun to do a stream of consciousness writing, but then I thought maybe I shouldn’t: I like my job.

Writer’s block. It happens. It’s part of writing; all writer’s must deal with it. Now I can say I have something in common with the best writers. My new line at the next cocktail party will be, “Stephen King? Oh, Stephen and I go way back! We’ve been best buds ever since that case of writer’s block.”

Excuse me now as I go scream into my pillow.

Jiffy ToPLe Live

The following is the continuation of the series in which I interview staff members of Topsham Public Library.

The scene: standing room only at the Orion Performing Arts Center. Brass band playing, crowd clapping, whistling, and screaming. The excitement is electrifying as the audience is waiting the beginning of Jiffy ToPLe Live – the late night talk show hosted by Topsham’s one and only Jiffy ToPLe. Let’s join them now as Jiffy has walked on stage.

Applause“Welcome! Welcome! It’s great to see you all here! Wow! We’ve got a great crowd tonight! You guys look fantastic! You sir, yes you, in the front row with the overalls – welcome! You are looking especially lively! What’s your name? Ed? Well hello, Ed. Where are you from? You just moved up from New York! Wow. Really!? That is quite the change of pace. Well, we’re glad you’re here.”

“Let me tell you about tonight’s show, folks. We’ve got some great people lined up for you! All the way from England, ladies and gentlemen, Dame Maggie Smith is joining us! I know, I know! You’re glad you paid the outrageous prices for those tickets now, aren’t you? Also on board is Carol Burnett – truly America’s first lady of comedy! But to start us off, we welcome for the first time to our show, our very own local funny man and librarian, Dave Mosley!”

Audience goes wild.

“Calm down! Calm down! Before Dave comes out here let me ask you a question. Ready? No, no that’s not the question, smart aleck. Here goes: why didn’t the thief rob the library? Because he was afraid the judge would give him a long sentence!”

Audience groans.

“Okay, okay. How’s this one: Why did the librarian slip and fall in the library? Because she wandered into the non-friction section!”



Audience groans, and a few angry shouts are heard.


“Oh, alright. Let’s get started! With no further adieu, ladies and gentlemen, Daaaaave Mooooselyyyyyyy!”

Brass band plays, crowd whistles, screams and goes wild!

Photo Jan 29, 10 11 34 AM


Dave, in casual sweater, jeans, and sneakers (Dave is not one for dress shoes) appears onstage, shakes hands with Jiffy and takes his seat in the red chair.



“Welcome, welcome!” Jiffy says.

“Thank you. Wow. This is great!” Dave responds, nodding at the audience. Jiffy and Dave smile at each other and look at the audience as they wait for the crowd to calm down.

“It’s nice to finally meet you! I’ve really been looking forward to a one-on-one with you since you have settled here in Topsham and now, you are working at Topsham Public Library. And we will get right to it after this from your local sponsors!” Jiffy says.


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“Welcome back, Everyone! Let’s get right to it, Dave. You are living in Topsham now, but where do you hail from originally?”

“Well, Jiffy, I’m not a Topsham native, but I was raised here in Maine in a little town northwest of here – Norway.”

“So, you work at Topsham Public Library. You must love books, then. Tell me, what are some of your favorite books?”

“Oh, that’s such a hard question. I do love reading. Okay, my favorite books. Let me see. I will say, my first favorite book that I remember is Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Seuss, but the book that changed the way I read is The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy.”

“Now, Dave,” Jiffy says, “I have done my research, and your co-workers tell me, you never stop. That you are always on the go. What is up with that?”

skilodgeDave rolls his eyes, and smirks, “When something needs to be done, there’s no sense in waiting around, I just have to get it done. I will tell you, however, if you ever go skiing, I will be the guy in the lodge with my eReader in one hand and a beverage in another. I do like my down time. I like canoeing (at this Jiffy looks to the audience with a “can we imagine Dave in a canoe?” kind of look) more than biking, I would rather take in a hockey game than a football game, but I prefer a night in to a night out.”

“I’ve also heard you’re quite the foodie,” Jiffy says.

“Well, obviously. I would much rather cook than clean any day, and tell me, who doesn’t like good food?”

“I’ve heard you know how to throw a dinner party,” Jiffy says with a wink.

“There’s really nothing to it – good food, good times. I’m actually hosting a little after party tonight. Carol and Maggie are coming, you should come by too.”

“I’d LOVE to! I’ll be there! Who else is coming?” Jiffy asks.

“Well, Dame Judi Dench, Ina Garten, Julianna Margulies, Sarah Lancashire, Trevor Eve, and Sue Johnston. I would have loved to have had dinner with Margaret Chase Smith, but death got in the way of that. And I did invite Graham Norton but, well, he was a little upset when I told him I was doing your show tonight, so he said maybe another time.”

“Graham hasn’t forgiven me for the Daniel Craig incident,” Jiffy explained, “Two Dames on your guest list – you really are something! So, tell me Dave, I hear you have your next cruise lined up.”

“Yes, this fall. We are heading out again. We really like cruising. We took a cruise to Norway once and loved it. The fjords are just breathtaking. Of all the places I’ve been I would say Norway and New Zealand are my favorites. I would return to New Zealand in a heart beat.”

“And we’ll be right back for more with Dave, after these words from our local sponsors,”Jiffy says.


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Audience applauds and Jiffy says, “Welcome back. If you are just joining us, I have the privilege of talking with Dave. So Dave, evidently America cannot get enough of the superhero movie. Which do you prefer, DC or Marvel?”

“I’m more of a Marvel man, myself,” Dave answers, “and I will tell you, if I had a superpower I would rather be invisible than be able to read minds. And I’d rather be a dragon than have a dragon. Jiffy, you mentioned Daniel earlier. I do like the James Bond series and Matt Damon in the Bourne movies. Those are really well done.”

“Dave, can I just say it’s been a pleasure to have you on this show. Really! Please do say you will come back, right, ladies and gentlemen?” Jiffy asks.

Audience goes wild.

“Next up, Dame Maggie Smith will join us and discuss the ending of one of our favorite’s Downton Abbey.”

As an aside, Jiffy says to Dave, “I hear from the crew, Maggie’s not too happy to be upstaged by someone such as yourself. She said, ‘It always happens when you give these little people power, it goes to their heads like strong drink,’ so you might want to sit her at the other end of your table tonight. Just a friendly warning, old chap.”

Audience applauds, Dave waves and exits.

“When we return, ladies and gentlemen, Dame Maggie Smith  and all her wit will join us, but right now another word from our local sponsors.”


Highland Green


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Chamber Logo TopshamFairMallTopsham Cryer_square2014-08-19 TDI logos REV DRAFT




We don’t bother watching the rest of the show as Dave is the brightest star in our books.

Disclaimer: the jokes are not my own.




Check Up Time

It seems like ages ago, but back on December 8, 2015 I told you about a reading challenge I am participating in this year. Well, it’s time to check up and see how I’m doing. In a nutshell, if my reading life was connected to my physical life, they would tag my toe, zip the body bag over my head and push me to the morgue.

I have a pile, or two, or three, of books that I’ve been wanting to read. The piles have only grown larger so I decided I needed to put a dent in them. The piles are positioned in various places throughout my house so I am always within reach. To Serve Them All My Days by by R.F. Delderfield has languished for quite some time in one of these piles. In January, I decided it would be the first book I would read this year, and it would fulfill “a classic from the 20th century” category.

serve themThe book started off rather promising: a recently returned veteran of World War I, David Powlett-Jones, is hired on as a teacher at a boys’ boarding school in England. By the middle of the book, it had bogged down with the political goings on of the day and the inner reflections of Powlett-Jones. Don’t get me wrong, I am interested in the political landscape and the inner thoughts of any character, but it just dwelt on that for too long. I also wanted more interaction with the students, but you only get stories of them sprinkled throughout here and there.

I did manage to get through its entirety and thought I would reward myself by watching the TV series based on the book. It was probably a great production for its time (1980), but it is quite dated and I only made it through the first two episodes. Maybe at the end of the world, when I have nothing better to do, and find myself with time on my hands having survived the apocalypse, I will try to watch it again.

fingerpostAfter finishing To Serve Them All My Days, I moved on to An Instance of the Fingerpost by Iain Pears. I had not read anything by Pears before. I have not finished it yet, reason forthcoming, but I have not been disappointed. It is a combination of a historical novel and a mystery. Mr. Pears has certainly done his research, and the I get a real sense of the time (1663 England) without feeling like I’m sitting in history class. Not only am I schooled in the political climate of the time but also the medical, scientific, and religious climate without it becoming bogged down; these details are neatly woven in with the story line and the characters. An Instance of the Fingerpost is quite lengthy, it will fulfill “a book that’s more than 600 pages” requirement, and it is quite dense, but it is humorous and enjoyable so far.

shredMy opinion of Mr. Pears’ book may change as I have not yet completed it. And “why haven’t you completed it,” you might ask. Well, my reading of An Instance of the Fingerpost was interrupted by the release of No Shred of Evidence by the mother/son writing team Charles Todd. I enjoy the Inspector Ian Rutledge series and this is the newest release. I finished it within a few days, and for the most part it was fine. For those of you who may not be familiar with this mystery series, Rutledge is haunted by the ghost of Hamish who was a soldier he commanded in World War I. In this newest book, I don’t think Hamish played a big enough part, and he certainly was not as menacing as he usually is and should be. I was not as emotionally engaged in this story as I can be with this series, and I found that to be a bit disappointing. It has, however, filled “a murder mystery” category.

I guess I haven’t made it very far in my challenge: 3 out of 40 read. But it’s a start, and I have some pretty good books lined up. How about you? What are your reading goals, and how are you doing in meeting them?

There is Music in the Air

One of our popular programs at Topsham Public Library is our Music in March Concert Series. Concerts take place on the first four Saturdays of March, and they all begin at 1pm. This year’s line up is just as promising as prior programs!

The fun started on Saturday, March 5 with Pejepscot Station. They are a bluegrass band based right here in Topsham. If you missed it, you missed a foot-stomping good time. But don’t worry – there are three more performances you won’t want to miss. (And you can watch a clip of Pejepscot Station’s performance by clicking here.)

Annegret with Papa Loves Mambo 1995, opening for Lucky Dude.


On Saturday, March 12 Annegret Baier, a German born percussionist, will perform a variety of ethnic music styles using instruments from around the world.






String Tide will join us on Saturday, March 19. They are a Folkgrass/Americana cover band who perform boisterous bluegrassy arrangements.




And to wrap it all up, on Saturday, March 26, Candelia will perform. A flute ensemble with 250 years of combined playing experience, they will play a selection from classical, contemporary, jazz, and show tunes.



The audience always leaves the performances glad they attended and raving about what they heard. Don’t miss out! Come on down, relax, and be entertained by some great local musicians!